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Frequently Asked Questions

I just installed Actionpoint but the toolbar is not appearing.

Windows users:

There are various causes for this problem. The three most common are listed below, along with how to check if it applies, along with a solution.

If problems persist, please open a support ticket.

Cause: You have a "Microsoft Store" version of Office 365, preinstalled with Windows 10.
Check: The Actionpoint shortcut will not be present as a Desktop icon.
Open PowerPoint > File > Account. Your version will be listed as "Click to Run" or "Microsoft Store" / "Windows Store".
Solution: Go to Start > Settings > Apps. Find Qwizdom Actionpoint Suite in the list and click Modify. Follow the installer prompts and select "Actionpoint" as a feature to be installed.

Cause: Prerequisites are not installed or are missing.
Check: The Qwizdom Actionpoint plugin is set to "inactive" within the PowerPoint Addins section found at File > Options > Addins
Solution: Re-run the installer and ensure that there are no remaining prerequisites to be installed. In File > Options > Addins, click "Go" beside COM Addins and ensure that the Qwizdom Actionpoint Plugin is checked.

Cause: Missing updates to Windows or Microsoft Office.
Solution: Check Windows Update, install any available updates, restart the computer, and and try Actionpoint again.

OS X users:
Mac Actionpoint works in conjunction with Microsoft PowerPoint 2016. Opening Mac Actionpoint will cause PowerPoint® to open as well. The Mac Actionpoint toolbar appears in addition to the PowerPoint® display.

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