
We are dedicated to improving interactions and learning through innovate technology.

Qwizdom began in 1984 with a science teacher who wanted to improve “in the moment” learning, to make the teaching process more efficient, and save time for himself and, eventually, his colleagues.

As a team of educators, developers, designers and sales, Qwizdom is dedicated to helping customers communicate, teach, and learn more effectively through the use of technology. We are focused on providing dynamic tools and materials that boost active engagement, provide instant results and simplify tracking performance data over time.

As educational innovators we continue to develop solutions that improve how groups – from the classroom to the boardroom – facilitate learning and provide information with ease. This vision remains core to Qwizdom’s commitment of delivering tangible data through innovative solutions. We develop software and hardware that can be quickly implemented to increase participation, provide immediate data feedback, and, most importantly, accelerate and improve comprehension and learning.