John Rimmer, Faith Family Academy
He has used the Qwizdom Student Response System for about 10 years with 8th & 9th grade Math instruction
How do you use the Qwizdom Student Response System?
I use it in a number of ways:
- As a bell ringer; I may have a numeric question to review a concept we’ve already discussed, and they (the students) enter an answer.
- When I debrief questions and we quickly review so they see how they did
- For self-paced work; I like that they’re working independently.
- For inputting test responses so that they can see how they did.
What do you think is Qwizdom SRS’s strengths?
Mr. Rimmer named quite a few, including:
- The immediate feedback either directly to (the) student or to me, as they are working.
- It engages them in [all] the different ways. They (students) really like using it.
- (The SRS) allows me to give them questions that are MC (multiple choice), numeric, fractions, decimals, etc. whereas some of the other (response tools) out there are limited to MC.
- I can [also] see the (assessment) data and usually end up with more than I can use.
What were you surprised to discover about the response system?
- Another teacher learned how to use the Answer Key with multiple keys at once. He showed me how to set up multiple activities for different stations.
- I learned how to set up on my SMART board. I set up the PowerPoint file, present using the PowerPoint, and work problems with the whole class, including the results.
What is your favorite feature and why?
I really like the versatility of use. When reviewing with racing (Fast Track game) or going over results, the (students) see the distribution of answers.
Overall, how do you feel about the Qwizdom Student Response System?
It’s engaging for the (students), it’s good for me because I get their feedback (formative assessment data), and I see immediately where there are misconceptions.