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All Qwizdom Response Systems use a two-way RF technology based on 802.15.4 IEEE standard. Systems include a specified number of participant remotes, carrying case, batteries, Q6i Instructor remote or Q7 Presenter Tablet, a USB host, Qwizdom software and free online training.

Qwizdom Q2
- Dimensions: 5.2 x 11.5 x 1.6 (cm) (WxHxD)
- Uses two AAA batteries
- Displays Right/Wrong Feedback
- Custom E-InkTM display
- Supports 6 Question Types (Multiple Choice, Single Numeric, Rating Scale: 1-5 and 1-7, Yes/No, True/False, Demographic)
- Available in the US only

Qwizdom QVote
- Dimensions: 6 x 13.2 x 2.5 (cm) (WxHxD)
- Two AA batteries—last a full year with typical usage
- Large LCD display
- Displays Right/Wrong Feedback
- Supports 11 Question Types (Multiple Mark, Sequencing, Rating Scale, Yes/No, Numeric – including fractions, decimals and mixed expressions, Multiple Choice, True/False and Demographic)

Qwizdom Q6 Instructor (Q6i)
- Dimensions: 6 x 13.2 x 2.5 (cm) (WxHxD)
- Two AA batteries—last a full year with typical usage*
- Large LCD display with backlight
- Up to 100 meter range
- View results and help requests on LCD screen
- Pose spontaneous questions
- Display results to group
(* Battery life is shorter if backlight is used.)

Qwizdom Q7 Instructor Tablet
- Dimensions: 7.7 x 10.6 x 1 (in) (WxHxD)
- Rechargeable Battery
- Backlit LCD screen provides feedback on current tool selection, battery life, and network status
- Up to 15 meter range
- Less than 1.5 lbs
- Rechargeable stylus with left/ right click mouse options
- View results and help requests on LCD screen
- Pose spontaneous questions
- Display results to group
- Annotate presentations
- Add slides and content on-the-fly